News > OC news
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OCs return to school to play football 20 years after leaving Churcher's College... More...

Lionel and Derek meet up after 60 years

OC Derek French (58), tells us about two of his long standing OC friendships which have survived distance and time... More...

Katie has interviewed loved-up couples for her podcast 'London Love Stories'... More...

Congratulations to OC Mia Clark on her new career... More...

OC Rugby players with the winners trophy

OC Rugby is back..! More...

Alysia and Jess return to College

Alysia Hoe (19) and Jess Willson (19) spoke to students about studying languages at University... More...

The bride, groom and their wedding party

Hannah marries Dan on a beautiful day in July 2023... More...

James is using his musical talent for a good cause... More...

Holly is running the Brighton Marathon

Holly is raising money to help those who are struggling with their mental health... More...

Musician Ella Conder

OC Ella Conder tells us about her music career since leaving university... More...

Covid delayed, but did not stop, a 40-year reunion... More...

John Smith (60) has recently been awarded a British Empire Medal... More...

Emilia Gibson (18) has been awarded first class honours in her Integrated Bachelors and Masters Degree... More...

OC Dan Shaw (22) selected for GBU19 Lions American Football Team... More...

Senior Old Churcherians return to the College for the afternoon... More...

A fantastic evening was had by all at the Heath Harrison House drinks for recent leavers... More...

The OC cricket and tennis teams competed against the Senior School teams at Open Day... More...

Currently raising investment, Will explains the concept behind his new business venture: The Perfect Bottleā€¦ More...

Ben Harper (93) got in touch to ask for help in reaching out to fellow classmates for their 30 year reunion... More...

Rosie's latest release is 'BBC Music Introducing' Solent's record of the week... More...

The inaugural Girls 1st XI Cricket fixture was the start of an exciting week in the cricket calendar... More...

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