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News > Community news > Churcher's Golf Day 2024

Churcher's Golf Day 2024

The sun shone brightly as over £5,000 was raised at this year's Churcher's Golf Day...

The 2024 Churcher's Golf Day was held on Friday 17 May in glorious sunshine at Petersfield Golf Club.

For the second year running we had a full complement of teams and players participate in the day - Old Churcherians, Junior and Senior School parents, staff, local businesses, friends - it was fantastic to have such a mix from our community come together to support the event, see old faces and welcome new ones, play some golf in a relaxed atmosphere and most importantly, have some fun! 

The course was in excellent condition and alongside the main four ball competitiion, our golfers also comepeted for the 'Straightest Drive' sponsored by Alitex, 'Nearest the Pin' and the 'Putting Competition', sponsored by Robison. This was particularly competitive, with the eventual winner victorious after two tense play-off rounds!

Our brilliant volunteers ensured the teams were kept hydrated at the halfway houses. Kindly sponsored by Independants by Sodexo, a plethera of beers, soft drinks and delicious snacks were much appeciated by all.

The event raised over £5,000 for the Richard Churcher Foundation and the provision of bursaries. Huge thanks to our sponsors for their valued contribution and to Agilico for the kind donation of raffle items. And thank you to everyone for taking part and making it such a success. We are looking forward to next year already!

Congratulations to all the competition winners...

Winning team - new custodians of the 'Greenish' Jacket
Grip it and Sip it 
Bruce Rendall (Captain), Jon Hewett, Jules Porter, Stewart Smythe 

Nearest the Pin - Steve Shillcock
Straightest Drive, sponsored by Alitex - Steve Robinson
Putting Competition, sponsored by Robison - Paul Wilmshurst

The date for next year is set for Friday 16 May so if you are interested in taking part, please save the date and look out for registrations opening at the end of September/beginning of October.

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