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News > Community news > Grill Lecture 2024 - Charlie Martin

Grill Lecture 2024 - Charlie Martin

Charlie Martin gives the Grill Lecture...
23 May 2024
United Kingdom
Community news

Racing driver Charlie Martin stepped out of life in the fast lane to slow down for a moment and share her fascinating story with Churcher's pupils. Making history as the first ever transgender racing driver to compete in the legendary Nurburgring 24 hour race, Charlie shared her own experiences of overcoming a great deal of adversity to succeed as her true self. Her story is both inspirational and aspirational, showing just how far the human spirit, and a drive to succeed, can take you.

From being a Ninja Warrior, to her work promoting the rights of LGBTQ+ people, she is, it seems, utterly fearless.

Charlie met with a group of students ahead of the evening, to talk racing, childhood experiences and her plans for the future, before taking to the floor, her latest trophy and her racing helmet in hand, in the Music Auditorium. Charlie was open, shared her unsuccessful moments as well as her achievements, and encouraged us all to step out of our comfort zones. Calculated risks and a lust for life: we all left feeling revved up!

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